Office Status: Hybrid
Salary: $142,000 to $176,000
Maintains the entity level Risk Governance under CFTC/NFA and FINRA Regulations. Additionally maintains market risk governance framework across CUSO under FRB regulations.
Monitors the firm’s compliance with the Volcker Rule and produces monthly analysis.
Assists Group Head in coordinating the New Product Committee process for the Head of Risk Management.
Reports updates and outstanding issues related to the NPC.
Periodically analyzes the firms Risk Tolerance Limits and Risk Appetite Framework and works with relevant departments to propose updates if needed, and secure approvals from Risk Committees.
Work closely with units such as treasury and client-facing functions to better understand the risks in their businesses and the instruments they handle.
Improve modeling techniques and risk framework and understand emerging issues through partnerships with consulting firms and other financial institutions.
Establish relationships with rating agencies to help improve modeling and understand emerging trends.
Improve workflows and data gathering / sharing through collaborations with units such as finance, compliance, legal and IT.
Work cooperatively with industry specialists, country risk managers, credit review / analysis staff and relationship managers to determine and evaluate potential risks and efficacies of policies and procedures.
Support long- and short-term planning, new product development, ALM and risk management meetings.
Network within the industry through meetings, events and involvement with trade organizations to better understand emerging risk trends.
Establish relationships with auditors and regulators to better understand their concerns and reduce potential
compliance issues.
Strong knowledge of derivatives and their key risks, particularly interest rate and FX products.
Familiarity with relevant risk concepts and related valuation concepts (e.g. VaR and stress-testing standards, counterparty exposure estimation, liquidity estimation, model assessment and validation, documentation and reporting approaches).
In-depth knowledge of U.S., non-U.S. and international banking laws and specifically Risk Management frameworks and regulatory requirements.
Expert knowledge of the Dodd Frank Act, CFTC Rule 23.600, the Volcker Rule, and Swap Dealer registration requirements.
Excellent communication skills, leadership and relationship-building skills to work with internal departments, affiliates, Head Office and regulatory bodies.
Expert ability to work collaboratively with internal risk management colleagues and risk management leaders across all subsidiaries and globally.